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Child and Youth-centred Accountability: a Guide for Involving Young People in Monitoring and Evaluating Child Protection Systems

Child-Centred Accountability and Protection Evaluation (CAPE) is a multiinstitutional pilot project focused on assessing how the impact of child protection services and programs addressing sexual abuse and exploitation can be measured and evaluated from a child-centred perspective. As such, the project is centred on developing an understanding of the meaning of risk, protection and well-being from the perspectives of vulnerable young people, and translating this knowledge into actions to promote child rights-based system change in Brazil, Colombia and Thailand. The first phase of the CAPE Project was supported financially by the Oak Foundation.

CAPE's Guidebook draws on the  work of the IICRD and our partners  from around the globe to develop  practical tools and processes to  work with children and young people  to plan, monitor and evaluate  child protection systems and  interventions.
 This Guide is designed to be used  by protection organizations,  facilitators, local  governments, young people,  communities, and other child  protection actors to promote  and foster strong accountability to  children, youth and their  communities in the monitoring and  evaluation (M&E) process with  respect to protection for young  people.

The Guide can support you to engage with children, young people and their communities in the process of monitoring and evaluating child and youth protection programs, services and systems. It can be used to strengthen your understanding of young people’s experience of and perspective on well-being, risks and protection – with a view to strengthening M&E practices and ultimately, strengthening the accountability of protection programming, systems and services for young people. The tools are designed to be engaging and interactive, and can be used separately or together, depending on the context in which you are working and the objectives of your engagement.

Check out the Guide here!

To obtain a full copy of the Guide, please contact

Other resources and papers from CAPE:

Digital Stories
Watch CAPE's digital stories to learn about what young people had to say about the protective and risk factors in their communities as well as their suggestions for opportunities to improve their well-being.
Learn more.

Annual Report
This report shares the key activities, results and learnings from CAPE, informing and engaging partners, advisors and stakeholders about 2011-2012 highlights and planning of plan next steps.
Learn more.

Academic Papers
Read the draft abstracts of case study papers to learn more about the CAPE findings. Each paper focuses on distinct 'entry points' related to sexual abuse and exploitation including violence, local governance, legislation, and community councils.   
Learn more.  


Tags: ["child protection", "accountability", "planning", "monitoring", "evaluation", "protection systems", "intervantions", "community engagement"] By International Institute for Child Rights and Development In partnership with the Oak Foundation
Published Dec. 17, 2012 1:09 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 3:11 PM