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The Observatory for Child and Adolescents Rights (ODNA - Ecuador) (Spanish site)
Created in 2002 it demonstrates to national and local authorities, private sector and the media, the precarious situation of thousands of children and adolescents in Ecuador, and aims to stimulate the fulfillment of their rights . This Observatory acts within three dimensions: technical, communicative and policy-oriented. With the help of UNICEF it has created a children and adolescent rights index that measures fulfillment of the rights of children and adolescents in Ecuador.

Red por los Derechos de la Infancia en Mexico (Spanish site)
Is a coalition of 63 organisations which develop programs for Mexican children and youths  in situations of vulnerability. Their aims are to expand the knowledge about childhood and the rights of the child; strengthen  the capacity of Mexican organisations in the protection, respect and fulfillment  of children's rights; to stimulate legal, political and national and international administrative mechanisms in order to guarantee fulfillment and respect for children's rights; stimulate child and adolescent citizenship; create  favourable public opinion in favour of children's rights.  

CINDE, The International Center for Education and Human Development - Colombia
CINDE, is an educational research and development center, based in Colombia, with local, national and international projection. Our central focus is the creation of appropriate environments for the healthy physical and psychosocial development of young children. The main areas of action are the implementation of educational and social development projects, the testing and validation of alternative models for the solution of problems of the most excluded groups, the preparation of human talent, at all levels, research and production of knowledge, dissemination of information, production and publication of materials and the incidence in child related public polices.

Observatorio de la Niñez de Medellin - Colombia
 Working for childhood and adolescence in Medellin Colombia, this observatory is a collectively constructive space for knowledge, information and proposals that contribute to formulation and implementation of policies, planes and programmes directed at children's rights.

Tags: ["Americas", "Child Rights Observatories"]
Published June 5, 2009 3:34 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 4:05 PM